Wanna Race?
Date: Friday, March 29 @ 00:00:00 CST
Topic: Rebuilding

The new and improved #9 is finally ready for action. I'm sure we'll need to do a little more tuning once we get to the track but we're ready to go. Tomorrow we'll find out just what kinda animal we've built for this season. This should be fun! Come on out and get dirty with us folks.

Now that the rebuild is finally done,we'll be moving the news updates back to the normal news section. You should be able to watch for the latest headlines on our home page. Speaking of that,we're moving the site to a new host soon so if you experience any problems browsing our site,don't panic. We'll still be around and may even end up with a few improvements to the site.

This concludes our rebuild for 2002. It's been fun. Now stay tuned for your regularly scheduled RACING SEASON!! Yeeeee Haaaaaw!! :-)

This article comes from DFC Racing

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