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Website Awards
DFC Racing is very proud of the fact that our website has won The Golden Web Award as well as the Racer's Choice Award year after year. Thanks folks!

[Racer's Choice Award Winner]

If you'd like a kickass site like this one, feel free to contact Bob to see what he can do for you.

Sponsoring TeamDFC

Our goal at DFC Racing is to improve each and every week. We've come a long way from where we started and you can help us to keep improving and also maintain the car throughout the season by becoming a sponsor.

Some folks may think that they can't contribute enough money to make a difference. They would be wrong! Every little bit helps and is greatly appreciated. Keep in mind that since we do all of our own work and don't require the latest and greatest trick parts, we manage to stretch every dollar a very long way. We're not a high dollar team, and we don't need to be in order to accomplish our goals.

Oh sure,it would be great to have sponsors throwing thousands of dollars our way, but we can, and do, get by on much less.

If you'd rather help us with parts or equipment, that's fine too.

If you own a bussiness, you can't make a better investment in advertising. We are determined to make every points race and as many special events as possible each season. That leads to maximum promotion for our sponsors. Our primary sponsor gets mentioned by the track announcer no fewer than three times during the average race night,and will recieve a free banner ad on our site. All of our sponsors get recognition on our web sight at our Sponsor Page as well. DFC Racing works hard to represent our sponsors in the most professional way possible each week. We can also make the car and team available for special events at your place of business, as well as promote your bussiness in a special way on our web site. [See: Advertising on DFCRacing.com] We're happy to help your business grow so that you will be willing and able to continue to support our team.

If you don't own a business, you will still get the same exposure and appreciation. Whatever your situation is, we can put together a plan that fits your needs.

This is your opportunity to become part of one of the most exciting teams at the track, DFC Racing! Wouldn't that make all you friends jealous? ;-) Go ahead and tell them too. We'll make room on the car for all those names.

Contact Us Here For More Info

-- Bob

Published on: 2002-05-22 (17827 reads)

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